How Our Blend System Works
In the world of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), transparency is key. Users want to know that the digital assets they're acquiring are created fairly and that the outcomes of their endeavors are governed by chance rather than hidden algorithms.

We believe in transparency, and we want you to have complete confidence in the fairness of our Blending system. Here's a breakdown of how it operates:

The Foundation: Seeds and Increments
At the heart of our system lies the concept of seeds and increments. Every day, a new pair of seeds is generated - one for the base seed and one for the increment. These seeds serve as the foundation for all the randomness in our Blend System.

Base Seed: This is a randomly generated number between 1,000,000,000,000,000 and 9,000,000,000,000,000. It sets the starting point for our seed of the random number generation.

Seed Increment: Another random number, this one ranging between -10,000,000 and 10,000,000. It determines how the starting point seed will change for each subsequent voucher/blend used.

Both the base seed and seed increment are hashed and displayed to all players immediately after the daily reset. The actual non-hashed value of these numbers will be kept secret for the next 24 hours. They will only be made visible to all players after the next daily reset where a new set of base seed and seed increment is generated.

Voucher Opening Process
Each blend or voucher that requires randomness will use a unique seed to randomize the outcome. This unique seed is generated from the base seed and the seed increment mentioned above.

Results of the opening by each and every players are made public and can be easily verified as long as you have the secret seed and the seed increment that was used to generate the outcome. Both these numbers that are required to verify the outcome will be made available the next day.

We want you to enjoy the excitement of opening packs without worrying about hidden tricks or manipulations. With our daily seed and increment resets, real-time outcome displays, and cryptographic verification, you can rest assured that our system is designed with transparency and fairness in mind.

All Rolls that happened on 20240124

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Order User Roll Range Reward Range Final Result Reward Seed Verifying Instruction
1Turt70071 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
42Shield Amplifier3907902609077477<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
2Moories1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
71Energy Transmitter3907902605189324<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
3xanx.wam0 to 1Roll 0 to 1
Index 0: Flash
Index 1: Grifter
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(0, 1);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
4xanx.wam0 to 10Roll 0 to 10
Index 0: Boulder
Index 1: Flint
Index 2: Scree
Index 3: Crag
Index 4: Glow
Index 5: Lumen
Index 6: Flash
Index 7: Watt
Index 8: Critter
Index 9: Spider
Index 10: Rogue
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(0, 10);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
5Thrawn1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
6SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
7SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
8SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
9SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
12Mini Warp Drive3907902577972253<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
10SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
60Loot Finder3907902574084100<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
11SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
12SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
13SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
14SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
15SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
16SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
30AI Defense System3907902550755182<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
17SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
13AI Defense System3907902546867029<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
18SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
87Shield Booster3907902542978876<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
19SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
62Shield Booster3907902539090723<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
20SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
18Armor Plate3907902535202570<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
21SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
27Cooling System3907902531314417<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
22SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
23SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
24SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
25SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
82Energy Transmitter3907902515761805<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
26SoobySTi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
10Energy Transmitter3907902511873652<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
27davidfs1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
90Loot Finder3907902507985499<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
28davidfs1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
85Loot Finder3907902504097346<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
29Liv811 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
60Lone Wolf3907902500209193<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
30Liv811 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
2Unstable Calibrator3907902496321040<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
31Liv811 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
21Unstable Calibrator3907902492432887<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
32Liv811 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
92Unstable Calibrator3907902488544734<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
33Liv811 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
23Unstable Calibrator3907902484656581<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
34SJUD1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
35rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
82Lone Wolf3907902476880275<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
36rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
68Lone Wolf3907902472992122<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
37rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
64Lone Wolf3907902469103969<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
38rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
84Lone Wolf3907902465215816<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
39rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
30Lone Wolf3907902461327663<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
40rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
99Lone Wolf3907902457439510<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
41rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
45Lone Wolf3907902453551357<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
42rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
74Lone Wolf3907902449663204<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
43rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
44Nelthari1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
77Mini Warp Drive3907902441886898<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
45Nelthari1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
82Mini Warp Drive3907902437998745<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
46Nelthari1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
44Mini Warp Drive3907902434110592<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
47Nelthari1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
16Mini Warp Drive3907902430222439<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
48Nelthari1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
29Guardian Stance3907902426334286<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
49Nelthari1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
49Unstable Calibrator3907902422446133<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
50Nelthari1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
92Unstable Calibrator3907902418557980<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
51Nelthari1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
98Unstable Calibrator3907902414669827<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
52Nelthari1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
30Unstable Calibrator3907902410781674<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
53Nelthari1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
49Lone Wolf3907902406893521<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
54Nelthari1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
64Lone Wolf3907902403005368<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
55Nelthari1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
35Lone Wolf3907902399117215<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
56Slawski1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
77Cooling System3907902395229062<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
57Nelthari1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
23Lone Wolf3907902391340909<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
58Nelthari1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
59Nelthari1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
40Lone Wolf3907902383564603<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
60Nelthari1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
70AI Defense System3907902379676450<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
61Nelthari1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
26AI Defense System3907902375788297<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
62Slawski1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
4Cooling System3907902371900144<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
63Slawski1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
9Cooling System3907902368011991<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
64Slawski1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
65Slawski1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify