How Our Blend System Works
In the world of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), transparency is key. Users want to know that the digital assets they're acquiring are created fairly and that the outcomes of their endeavors are governed by chance rather than hidden algorithms.

We believe in transparency, and we want you to have complete confidence in the fairness of our Blending system. Here's a breakdown of how it operates:

The Foundation: Seeds and Increments
At the heart of our system lies the concept of seeds and increments. Every day, a new pair of seeds is generated - one for the base seed and one for the increment. These seeds serve as the foundation for all the randomness in our Blend System.

Base Seed: This is a randomly generated number between 1,000,000,000,000,000 and 9,000,000,000,000,000. It sets the starting point for our seed of the random number generation.

Seed Increment: Another random number, this one ranging between -10,000,000 and 10,000,000. It determines how the starting point seed will change for each subsequent voucher/blend used.

Both the base seed and seed increment are hashed and displayed to all players immediately after the daily reset. The actual non-hashed value of these numbers will be kept secret for the next 24 hours. They will only be made visible to all players after the next daily reset where a new set of base seed and seed increment is generated.

Voucher Opening Process
Each blend or voucher that requires randomness will use a unique seed to randomize the outcome. This unique seed is generated from the base seed and the seed increment mentioned above.

Results of the opening by each and every players are made public and can be easily verified as long as you have the secret seed and the seed increment that was used to generate the outcome. Both these numbers that are required to verify the outcome will be made available the next day.

We want you to enjoy the excitement of opening packs without worrying about hidden tricks or manipulations. With our daily seed and increment resets, real-time outcome displays, and cryptographic verification, you can rest assured that our system is designed with transparency and fairness in mind.

All Rolls that happened on 20240323

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Order User Roll Range Reward Range Final Result Reward Seed Verifying Instruction
1Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
2Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
3Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
4Magimike1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
23Guardian Stance4639156410670685<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
5Magimike1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
91Guardian Stance4639156400936634<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
6Magimike1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
7Magimike1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
28Cooling System4639156381468532<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
8Magimike1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
52Cooling System4639156371734481<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
9Magimike1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
10Magimike1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
11Magimike1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
61Unstable Calibrator4639156342532328<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
12Magimike1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
18Energy Transmitter4639156332798277<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
13utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
29Mini Warp Drive4639156323064226<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
14utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
71Mini Warp Drive4639156313330175<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
15utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
44Mini Warp Drive4639156303596124<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
16utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
78Mini Warp Drive4639156293862073<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
17utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
42Mini Warp Drive4639156284128022<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
18utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
67Mini Warp Drive4639156274393971<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
19utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
7Mini Warp Drive4639156264659920<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
20utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
2Mini Warp Drive4639156254925869<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
21utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
28Mini Warp Drive4639156245191818<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
22utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
83Unstable Calibrator4639156235457767<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
23utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
53Unstable Calibrator4639156225723716<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
24utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
49Unstable Calibrator4639156215989665<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
25utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
99Unstable Calibrator4639156206255614<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
26utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
62Unstable Calibrator4639156196521563<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
27utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
41Unstable Calibrator4639156186787512<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
28utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
62Unstable Calibrator4639156177053461<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
29utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
48Unstable Calibrator4639156167319410<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
30utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
74Unstable Calibrator4639156157585359<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
31rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
43Armor Repair Kit4639156147851308<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
32rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
48Armor Repair Kit4639156138117257<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
33rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
16Armor Repair Kit4639156128383206<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
34rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
39Armor Repair Kit4639156118649155<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
35rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
89Armor Repair Kit4639156108915104<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
36Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
54Explosive Ammo4639156099181053<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
37Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
72Explosive Ammo4639156089447002<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
38Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
88Explosive Ammo4639156079712951<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
39Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
67Explosive Ammo4639156069978900<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
40Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
73Explosive Ammo4639156060244849<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
41UnicornMan1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
42UnicornMan1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
43UnicornMan1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
44UnicornMan1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
45UnicornMan1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
46UnicornMan1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
47Gurdy1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
73Mini Warp Drive4639155992106492<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
48Gurdy1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
49Gurdy1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
57Apex Stance4639155972638390<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
50Gurdy1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
92Ionic Barrier4639155962904339<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
51Gurdy1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
17Shield Amplifier4639155953170288<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
52Gurdy1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
24Explosive Ammo4639155943436237<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
53Gurdy1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
20Unstable Calibrator4639155933702186<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
54Gurdy1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
27Bargaining Script4639155923968135<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
55Roger_FGL1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
56Roger_FGL1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
57Roger_FGL1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
58Roger_FGL1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
59Roger_FGL1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
60matthewfalzo1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
61Gurdy1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
43Assassin Stance4639155855829778<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
62Gurdy1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
63utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
39Mini Warp Drive4639155836361676<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
64utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
96Unstable Calibrator4639155826627625<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
65utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
52Unstable Calibrator4639155816893574<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
66utsovacsi1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
36Unstable Calibrator4639155807159523<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
67Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
31Unstable Calibrator4639155797425472<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
68Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
82Unstable Calibrator4639155787691421<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
69Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
50Unstable Calibrator4639155777957370<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
70Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
45Armor Repair Kit4639155768223319<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
71Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
32Armor Repair Kit4639155758489268<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
72Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
71Armor Repair Kit4639155748755217<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
73rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
74rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
75rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
76rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
77rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
78rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
79rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
80rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
81rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
86Lone Wolf4639155661148758<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
82rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
64Lone Wolf4639155651414707<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
83rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
12Lone Wolf4639155641680656<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
84rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
21Lone Wolf4639155631946605<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
85rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
59Explosive Ammo4639155622212554<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
86rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
95Lone Wolf4639155612478503<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
87rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
88rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
89rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
90rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
91rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
61Cooling System4639155563808248<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
92rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
69Cooling System4639155554074197<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
93rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
85Cooling System4639155544340146<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
94rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
3Cooling System4639155534606095<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
95rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
68Cooling System4639155524872044<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
96rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
2Explosive Ammo4639155515137993<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
97rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
85Explosive Ammo4639155505403942<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
98rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
82Explosive Ammo4639155495669891<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
99rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
5Armor Plate4639155485935840<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
100rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
58Armor Plate4639155476201789<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
101rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
14Armor Plate4639155466467738<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
102rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
96Armor Plate4639155456733687<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
103rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
28Armor Plate4639155446999636<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
104rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
105Slawski1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
106Slawski1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
60Unstable Calibrator4639155417797483<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
107Slawski1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
108Slawski1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
68Explosive Ammo4639155398329381<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
109Slawski1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
29Engine Amplifier4639155388595330<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
110SJUD1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
86Mini Warp Drive4639155378861279<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
111SJUD1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
91Mini Warp Drive4639155369127228<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
112SJUD1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
99Mini Warp Drive4639155359393177<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
113rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
67Scientist [B]4639155349659126<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
114rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
17Scientist [B]4639155339925075<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
115Moories1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
77Lone Wolf4639155330191024<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
116Moories1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
47Lone Wolf4639155320456973<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
117Moories1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
50Lone Wolf4639155310722922<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
118Moories1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
84Lone Wolf4639155300988871<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
119Moories1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
11Lone Wolf4639155291254820<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
120rubychocobos1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
51Scientist [B]4639155281520769<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
121Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
122Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
123Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
124Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
13Armor Repair Kit4639155242584565<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
125Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
12Armor Repair Kit4639155232850514<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
126Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
5Armor Repair Kit4639155223116463<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify
127Sharkyto1 to 100Roll 1 to 85 for an Epic
Roll 86 to 100 for a Legendary
82Armor Repair Kit4639155213382412<?php
echo 'result = ' . mt_rand(1, 100);
Copy code above and paste here to verify